
Ran after a long time...

Did a run-walk workout in the gym today. Yesterday, the doc gave me patella straps that I am supposed to put on both knees while running. I ran very slowly at 12.15 - 12.30 pace for 7 minutes and then walked for 2 min - repeated this 4 times for about 36 minutes. Felt absolutely NO pain or even the slightest discomfort while running. I am going to try and behave and repeat this outside the gym.

Next week I start iontophoresis on both knees and right elbow for 2 weeks, 3 times a week.


Sweet Corn Challenge 2008

Did Sweet Corn Challenge again. Great ride, great course! While I did only 50 miles this year, along with the optional hills, this is a great training ride for a century.

Speed (mph)

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Drugs really help me bike well! :-)

Last Sunday was probably my best ride for some time and gave me a lot of good information about my metabolism. I was supposed train on hills in San Antonio but then discovered that I had flat when I was loading up my bike in the morning. There was no way I was going to ride in San Antonio by myself with all the natives up and about. So I ended up going to the Suncoast Trail again...

I did do a little bit of carbo loading the day/night before. After waking up on Sunday, I had 2 (or was it 3) scoops of Perpetuem, a couple of electrolyte capsules and about 20 oz water. Before beginning to bike, I had about 4/5 squirts of an over the shelf energy spray I had bought at Walmart. This thing is amazing...it's loaded with B-complex and gives me an instant burst of energy. Hopefully, I don't get caught for doping! LOL!!

Did really well for 30 miles, pushing 53 x 16/17 without getting tired...probably averaged at > 18+ mph, even reaching over 19/20 mph for stretches without feeling exhausted. Did stop a couple of times to get some electrolytes and the energy spray(!! I am getting addicted to this).  However, around the 30 mile mark, I suddenly felt REALLY hungry. Looked at my Garmin and noticed that I had about spent about 1900+ calories. This was great, because I had read that we store around 1500/1600 calories. These stores plus the 300 calories of Perpetuem comes close to 1900 cals - so I had finished up all my fuel and my body had probably begun to cannibalize itself. Unfortunately, I had no food (carbs) of any kind with me and I hobbled back for the remaining 15 miles. Even then, I felt that I did really well averaging more than 15+ mph against a strong head wind.

A few other things:
  • My post-training migraines have completely disappeared after I started taking drugs...uh, I mean Perpetuem, electrolytes and the B-complex spray.
  • Not felt crampy for some time now.
  • I used to feel spaced out after long rides...no more!
  • Have realized that I don't really need *too much* water. I used to basically try to drown myself before or even worse cause hyponatremia.


Got the bill yesterday from all the tests that they did. Owe > $3000 ASDFADSFSDFgrrr@#$##$!!! Stupid health insurance.


40 miler in San An

Did 40 miles in San Antonio last Saturday. Fared much better than the last San An ride. Compared the results from my HRM and my HR was down, my speed was up on a course that was longer with more ascents.


Did 34 miles in San Antonio. It was tough doing hills after such a long time. Need to go back there many times to get ready for my event...ugh! Tried Hammer gels and Perpetuem. Need to figure out a better delivery mechanism. My bottle isn't working well. No cramps but did have to push myself and was very tired after the ride.


Posted from bimactive.com


March 30, 2008 - Cycling with gusto

I biked 60 miles on Sunday...I want to put the whole of last month behind me and want to look ahead. No matter what happens, I want to be ready, physically and mentally, to take on any adversity that may come in my way, now or in the future.

I simply have to shake myself loose and look to the future. I remember after finishing my chemo and radiation, I used to take delight in the simplest things of life. I remember that Spring of 1995. For me it was one of the most beautiful seasons ever in my life. I enjoyed the blooming of flowers and of new life with an intensity and happiness that only someone who has been through it all can.

March 25, 2008 - Second life again (or is it third?)

I went to see the oncologist today...I felt my body go limp as he began..."Hello! I have seen your results and how can I help you? Seems like you are here just for a follow-up. The pulmonologist had a question about your results but those are consistent with your history. I don't think that's anything. If you want, we can do a biopsy or do scans every 6 months."

Months and weeks of agony, intense pain at the old surgery site seemed to ebb away as I drove away crying with relief. I remember a scene from a long time ago....a lady coming out of an oncologist's office when I was undergoing chemotherapy. She was crying...I always wonder why...I will never forget her...had her cancer come back? What had the doctor told her? I had been in a similar situation and I hope that her's turned out the way mine did.

March 23, 2008 - State of denial

I am feeling better and stronger mentally for a few days. I have been in constant denial and thinking about how I felt then and how I feel now. It simply can't be true! But then who knows?? Had some visitors and I was able to think about something else. However, my surgery has been hurting like hell because of the stress.

March 21, 2008

The clinic here faxed the results to my old oncologist. If he gets back to me (I hope he does...soon), either I cancel the appt with the new oncologist or go to a clinic that specializes in cancer treatment.

March 20, 2008

The appointment with the oncologist is on March 25th. I am going to fax the PET scan results to the old oncologist. I spoke to his secretary and she said that he would be happy to give an opinion since I was an old patient.

March 13, 2008 - Diagnosis cancer

I cried today because the pulmonogist told me that the cancer is back. He said that the new PET scan showed that there is some activity at the old site. Now he is directing me to an oncologist.

I still find it very difficult to believe this is happening. What if I had never wanted fix my cycling ability? He did say that there is a chance that it is still all old stuff. Unfortunately, they have not received ANY old records yet. I don't know what these people are playing at. Still, I am holding out some hope because a similar thing happened 4 years ago. I went to a new doctor/hospital that was close to my house for something unrelated and they said the same thing - the cancer was back. That time, I went back to the original clinic and the oncologist was dismissed the finding of the new doctor...said everything was fine. Unfortunately, I can't do that anymore since I have moved. Perhaps, I should fax the new results to the old doc??

Began to make phone calls to some family to keep them updated. I want to break the news slowly if it is true.

March 12, 2008

I have been never been so stressed out as I have been the last few weeks. The appointment with the pulmonologist is tomorrow. He is going to review the recent PET scan results and compare them to the results he should have received from the previous hospital.

Have been barely sleeping...

March 11, 2008 - PET scan

When in for a PET scan early AM. I am always scared of every question that the radiologist/lab technician ask me - "Why are they asking me this question?" Ignorance is definitely bliss in my case.

March 10, 2008

PET scan tomorrow...have been really stressed out and cannot think about anything else.


February 28, 2008 - PFT and CAT scan results

I went in for my breathing test at 1:00 PM. The lab technician asked me to blow and breathe into a tube while she was looking at the readings that were showing up on her computer. She seemed to be really pleased with my results. Not sure if she was comparing me to healthy individuals or to the kinds of patients they usually see. An acquaintance (who also happened to be a pulmonologist) had told me that the VO2max testing in my case did not indicate any problems, and that I should seek the help of a qualified doc and get PFT done. I was hoping that the doc will look at the results and tell me that "yes, your lung capacity has reduced by X% because of what you went through but here are the steps you can take to improve it".

Imagine my shock today, when the doctor came in (after making me wait for 2 hours) and said that he was really concerned about my CAT scan results. He said that he couldn't figure out what was new and what was old!!! "New"??? There shouldn't be anything new there! I have been feeling well after so many years and now this??...all over again? I am really shocked and distressed to say the least. After a lot of prodding, he said that there was no way for him to figure out anything with certainty until he had old results to compare to. And so, we faxed a request for all my medical records today. I hope they respond soon and this is resolved quickly. I am going to be in really bad shape until then.

Also, he wants me to go in for a PET scan. Other than that, he said the PFT results are not "too bad"...I am 90% normal!! WTF??!!

February 25, 2008 - CAT scan

Went for a CAT scan in the AM. This Thursday I will see the pulmonologist. They are also doing a pulmonary function test. I can't wait to hear of the results.


February 14, 2008 - First visit to the pulmonologist

Today, I saw a pulmonologist to figure out whether I am plateauing out as far as my cycling ability is concerned because of what I went through. I am hoping that he can give me a straight answer on whether I can do something.

As expected, after listening to my story, he wants to get CAT scans done. Sucks! I will never be rid of this...


Horrid weather!

Route:--Elev. Avg:54 ft
Location:Lutz, FLElev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:02/23/08Up/Downhill: [+331/-331]
Time:08:45 AMDifficulty:3.2 / 5.0
Elevation (ft)
Speed (mph)

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