
March 13, 2008 - Diagnosis cancer

I cried today because the pulmonogist told me that the cancer is back. He said that the new PET scan showed that there is some activity at the old site. Now he is directing me to an oncologist.

I still find it very difficult to believe this is happening. What if I had never wanted fix my cycling ability? He did say that there is a chance that it is still all old stuff. Unfortunately, they have not received ANY old records yet. I don't know what these people are playing at. Still, I am holding out some hope because a similar thing happened 4 years ago. I went to a new doctor/hospital that was close to my house for something unrelated and they said the same thing - the cancer was back. That time, I went back to the original clinic and the oncologist was dismissed the finding of the new doctor...said everything was fine. Unfortunately, I can't do that anymore since I have moved. Perhaps, I should fax the new results to the old doc??

Began to make phone calls to some family to keep them updated. I want to break the news slowly if it is true.

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