
St Pete Times Bike Tour

Last weekend I participated in the St Pete Times Bike Tour. I decided to do the 40 miler since I wasn't sure what to expect the way my body is behaving these days. The course had a bunch of rolling hills and a few inclines. Good training for Lake Tahoe century....I will be going there many times.

Something bad happened as I approached a T-junction during my ride. The policeman who was at the junction stopped traffic on both sides of the T to let me pass. Apparently, a crazy motorcyclist who did not heed speed limits came over the hill and discovered too late that the traffic had been stopped for me. Poor bugger crashed badly! The mo'bike was done for, I think. The guy had raised himself on one arm and so he was still alive.

I finished the ride in a bit under 3 hours but I pushed myself. Don't think I can sustain the pace in Tahoe. Felt the beginning of cramps but didn't really get them until I started driving back home. Garmin results coming soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.