Last Sunday was probably my best ride for some time and gave me a lot of good information about my metabolism. I was supposed train on hills in San Antonio but then discovered that I had flat when I was loading up my bike in the morning. There was no way I was going to ride in San Antonio by myself with all the natives up and about. So I ended up going to the Suncoast Trail again...
I did do a little bit of carbo loading the day/night before. After waking up on Sunday, I had 2 (or was it 3) scoops of Perpetuem, a couple of electrolyte capsules and about 20 oz water. Before beginning to bike, I had about 4/5 squirts of an over the shelf energy spray I had bought at Walmart. This thing is's loaded with B-complex and gives me an instant burst of energy. Hopefully, I don't get caught for doping! LOL!!
Did really well for 30 miles, pushing 53 x 16/17 without getting tired...probably averaged at > 18+ mph, even reaching over 19/20 mph for stretches without feeling exhausted. Did stop a couple of times to get some electrolytes and the energy spray(!! I am getting addicted to this). However, around the 30 mile mark, I suddenly felt REALLY hungry. Looked at my Garmin and noticed that I had about spent about 1900+ calories. This was great, because I had read that we store around 1500/1600 calories. These stores plus the 300 calories of Perpetuem comes close to 1900 cals - so I had finished up all my fuel and my body had probably begun to cannibalize itself. Unfortunately, I had no food (carbs) of any kind with me and I hobbled back for the remaining 15 miles. Even then, I felt that I did really well averaging more than 15+ mph against a strong head wind.
A few other things:
- My post-training migraines have completely disappeared after I started taking drugs...uh, I mean Perpetuem, electrolytes and the B-complex spray.
- Not felt crampy for some time now.
- I used to feel spaced out after long more!
- Have realized that I don't really need *too much* water. I used to basically try to drown myself before or even worse cause hyponatremia.
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